Pit Stops and Contentment

The great Tolkien once wrote, “Not all those who wander are lost.” -That is so true! In the end, Destiny always reveals itself, no matter how far you’ve walked, no matter how long. 💭

It may take you a while to get where you want to. Maybe even longer than planned. You may need to rest, go on pit stops once or twice… maybe countless times. It may become more difficult as you go further. It will be tiresome and relentless.  You’ll probably trip and fall and lose your spirit at times.

You may lose people along the way; possibly even yourself. There may be distractions. There may be obstacles. People to deal with. Things to figure out. Your own demons to face. It could go on and on and the list of negative forces that test your courage may never end. 

The journey might exhaust every bit of your existence and test your will until the last second. It may be a rollercoaster ride. It can be.. and it will be tough without a doubt. But the path goes on and the stakes get higher everytime, leaving you no room for weakness. 

The possibility of failure lingers every step of the way and it’s terrifying. The tides will roll in and they’ll be unstoppable. You must not let yourself be swept away in oblivion, defeated in every way. You’re going to need to learn to pick yourself up and feel good about it everytime. You’ll gain people as you move on-friends, lovers, family. It will be tempting to depend on them; but you will only TRULY have yourself to rely on about pretty much everything when the shit hits the fan.

It will be tough. It will be risky. . You may lose courage and think about giving up. It’s not going to be a smooth sail, it’s not going to be a walk in the park. It’s going to be overwhelmingly difficult but it will be one hell of a challenge, one hell of a ride. 

So, go where your passion leads you today. Don’t think twice and better set your heart for pain and greatness at the same time. Expect the “dreadful” unexpected. Psych yourself and temper your mind. Don’t settle and never falter until you reach where you picture yourself to be. That is your real stop. And it’s called SUCCESS-where the winner is yourself and the prize is contentment. 
